

Mediation can help you to avoid court, and save you stress, time and money in the process.

Mediation is a dispute resolution process in which an impartial third party – a mediator – helps parties to resolve their legal issues. It is a private, voluntary and collaborative process that gives our mediation clients the ability to reach a mutually acceptable outcome outside of Court. Mediation can be used as an alternative, or complement, to traditional litigation.

MDW Law is pleased to offer mediation services as part of our Personal Injury/Insurance and Family Law practices. Our skilled team of mediators has many years of combined expertise in the art of successfully negotiating disputes. Mediation is a flexible process, chosen by both parties in a dispute that gives everyone involved a greater say in the decisions and issues that affect them most. There are many situations where such a process can help clients work together to solve their differences, and we are here to help make that happen.

Civil Litigation Mediation
MDW’s Civil Litigation mediator is Tara Miller, K.C. As a seasoned civil litigator, Tara is an effective mediator for a variety of legal disputes. She has extensive experience practicing Personal Injury and Insurance Defence Law, which makes her especially qualified for mediating personal injury cases. With over 25 years of experience, Tara has represented both sides of the table in more than 150 mediations. Tara will leverage her vast experience and apply her valuable insight to create the best conditions for success in the mediation process.

If you have questions about Civil Litigation mediation or are interested in beginning the mediation process, contact Tara directly at

Family Law Mediation
MDW’s Family Law mediators are Christine Doucet, Angela Walker, K.C., Leigh Davis (also mediates employment/labour disputes), Kim Johnson and Laura Kanaan, all of whom have significant experience and training in Family Law and Mediation. Our family mediators help to create a safe and empowering process to meet our clients’ needs and comfort levels, so that they are in the best position to negotiate effectively and reach agreements. We mediate all types of family disputes including parenting time, decision making for children, communication, mobility, support and property issues. Our Family Law mediators help resolve disputes and reach fair and reasonable outcomes.

To learn how our Family Law mediation team can help you, please contact one of our Family Law mediators directly or contact us at our Halifax office to arrange a meeting.

Advantages of Mediation

Greater privacy
Preserves relationships
Mutually satisfactory resolutions

Cost effective
Limits court involvement
Control over decision making



Mediation Lawyers

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